Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Does your back hurt when you ride?

If your  lower back hurts when you ride here are a few things to check. Your seat may not be a proper fit for you. A different style seat may alleviate your pain. The position of your foot pegs can also cause lower back pain. Some motorcycles have minimal adjustments for the foot pegs. A different style of peg or "floor board" may also help alleviate your pain. Another factor in lower back pain may be your handlebars. If you reach to far forward you place unnecessary strain on your lower back. The strain may also be caused by a combination of all three factors. Check with the manufacturer of your bike to see what adjustments can be made and if there are optional seat variations, foot peg variations, and handlebar variations. The manufacturer may also have a fit guide for your particular model.

You bought your ride to enjoy so be comfortable and safe while you ride. Be sure to wear the proper safety gear such as: leather jackets, helmets, leather chaps, motorcycle boots, and gloves.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Grand Opening


Expect the unexpected

We had severe storm warnings and tornado warnings the other night. Reminded me of the ride my husband made from central Florida to Texas in September of 2009. He rode his 2006 Harley-Davidson Sportster 883 all the way. According to the weather forecasteres it was to be sunny and great weather all the way. Along the way as he refueled he would call and let me know how far he had gone. Smooth sailing through Florida, Alabama rain all the way. Well let's just say that the rain didn't stop until he arrived in Texas. One of the last calls I received was from the Louisiana/Texas border. My cell phone beeped that I had a text message with a photo. I saw it was from my husband and I excitedly opened it to see what he had sent me. The image popped up and here is this extremely greenish-grey sky with a tornado smack dab in the middle. I quickly called him and made sure he was ok. Luckily he was able to get to safety before the tornado touched down. He then proceeded to tell me that several trees around the structure he was in had fallen over or had broken branches. After the skies cleared of the green he continued his travels on to Texas.

The most important lesson we learned was to expect the unexpected with mother nature. If you encounter a tornado or severe weather take cover in a structure. If you cannot get to an enclosed structure head for an underpass. Once at the underpass climb up toward the top of the structure and take cover in between the supports that are there. Leave all of your riding gear on. Your helmet will protect your face from any flying debris, your jacket and gloves will protect your upper body and hands as well.

No matter how much you plan you will always have something unexpected come up. Deal with it in a calm and rational manner and you will be just fine.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Be good to Mother Earth

Happy Earth Day! Great day out there for a ride. Do your part for Mother Earth today. Ride safe and enjoy the day.

Make sure you have all your safety gear on. You don't have to worry about yourself but the guy next to you. He is multi-tasking on his way to work. Drinking his coffee, reading the newspaper and shaving. :)